
Civil Rights: Don’t Be Penny-wise and Pound Foolish

It is no secret that, in today’s economy, businesses of all sizes, and in all industries, are experiencing layoffs and cutting costs, particularly their discretionary expenses. The same is true for landlords, who are faced with more than the usual number of evictions. In taking these necessary actions, however, both employers and landlords should be… Continue reading »


Understanding the Nuts and Bolts of Wills

Do you need a legal will? Yes! A will allows you to determine who will receive your assets at your death and when they will receive it. For example, your will can give assets directly to specified recipients or direct your assets to a trust until the beneficiaries of that trust reach a specified age.… Continue reading »


Maximizing the Protection of Single Member LLC Real Estate

Most real estate investors would agree that among their major concerns when purchasing real estate are limiting personal liability and not having their personal assets subject to creditor claims. To address these concerns, limited liability companies (“LLC”) are growing in popularity as real estate holding entities. Unlike a general partnership, under which all partners may… Continue reading »


Achieving Desirable Results for Our Clients

Konowitz & Greenberg strives to provide unparalleled service and results to its individual and business litigation clients, no matter where the dispute may occur. Recently, Konowitz & Greenberg succeeded in obtaining the dismissal of claims filed against one of its clients in Maine. That case, filed by one partner against the other members of a… Continue reading »


Demystifying Deceptive Mortgage Lending Practices

Given the microscope under which the predatory lending practices of many banks and mortgage companies are being examined these days, it is important to know which practices are legal and which are not when shopping for a new mortgage. Massachusetts law provides that “it is an unfair or deceptive act or practice for a mortgage… Continue reading »


When Bankruptcy Hits Home: Will A Homestead Declaration Protect You?

A Massachusetts Homestead Declaration protects up to $500,000.00 of equity in your home, protecting the home from being taken by creditors. A Declaration of Homestead must be filed with the Registry of Deeds, and can be done at any point when one owns and occupies a home as a primary residence, not just at the… Continue reading »


Proven Ways to Recession-proof Your Business

Good companies and good products are in demand no matter what the economy is doing. The keys to riding out any recession are planning ahead, being willing to listen to everyone within your organization, and paying close attention to their ideas and suggestions. Recession-proofing a business begins with being proactive. Remember, many of your customers… Continue reading »


Litigation Risk Assessment as a Business Organization Tool

Few business owners would dispute the importance of effective business planning and sound business practices to running a successful and profitable business. As many of Konowitz & Greenberg’s business clients can attest, these principles are the mantra of this firm’s corporate law department.


Understanding Mediation in a Time of Need

Mediating disputed is a means to resolve disputes and allow each party input and control over the outcome.  Orchestrated appropriately, no one wins, no one loses. Rather, the parties walk away from the table knowing the resulted arrived at are based upon the needs and concerns of each of the parties. Why mediate? Mediation allows… Continue reading »


Estate Planning and Considerations for Adoptive Families

In April, Arlene Kasarjian presented the “Estate Planning for Adoptive Families” workshop at the annual conference of the Adoption Community of New England, Inc. (ACONE). ACONE is a Massachusetts-based organization that provides information, advocacy and support for all those touched by adoption. Everyone needs an estate plan, regardless of age, marital status and financial status… Continue reading »

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