Several recent cases involving the Massachusetts Wage Act highlight the importance to employers of using clear, written and consistently applied compensation plans. As the cases make clear, the failure to do so can have serious financial repercussions. In a 2007 decision, Okerman v. VA Software Corp., the Appeals Court held that the Wage Act applies… Continue reading »
Hidden Hang-ups of Pre-printed Forms
In real estate transactions, you must be diligent in every document you sign. Konowitz & Greenberg recently settled a lawsuit in which the buyer signed a pre-printed Contract to Purchase form for a piece of commercial real estate. The contract identified the property and set forth a purchase price and sale date. The contract also… Continue reading »
Compliance Tips for Condo Owners and Associations
Many condominium associations are all too familiar with the phenomenon of the one condominium owner who refuses to comply with association rules and regulations, particularly common area maintenance fees and the like. There is, however, legal recourse in such situations. Ownership of a condominium unit is a hybrid form of interest in real estate, entitling… Continue reading »
10 Things Estate Planning Can Do for You
1. Provide for your immediate family. 2. Provide for other relatives who need help and guidance. 3. Get your property to beneficiaries quickly. 4. Plan for incapacity. 5. Minimize expenses. 6. Choose executors/trustees for your estate. 7. Ease the strain on your family. 8. Help a favorite cause. 9. Reduce taxes on your estate. 10.… Continue reading »
Before Saying, “I Do,” Plan for “I Don’t”
People consider Prenuptial Agreements for a number of different reasons; for example, because the marriage is not their first and they therefore seek to simplify matters in the event of a future divorce, or to ensure that property brought to the marriage will not be subject to a division of marital assets should the marriage… Continue reading »