

Many of you may know that I went to law school to get pregnant. Suffice it to say, I did not accomplish my goal. That resulted in me building my family through adoption and leaving the door to my house and heart open. How one builds a family is an intimate story. Some pieces are… Continue reading »


Preparing to Try Your Case…at Mediation

I think of myself as a trial attorney. Someone who can look at the facts of your case and figure out the best way to win in front of a jury. What evidence do we need to look favorable to a jury? How can we make the other side look bad? What evidentiary issues will… Continue reading »


Lawyers and Litigants: Beware of Frivolous Lawsuits

There is a statute in Massachusetts, G.L. c.231, section 6F, that authorizes an award of reasonable attorney’s fees incurred in litigation when “all or substantially all” of the opposing party’s claims are “wholly insubstantial, frivolous and not advanced in good faith.” If a judge finds that the claims meet that standard, the statute mandates the… Continue reading »


Successful Planning for a Successful Future

The more I work with companies as a partner, and the more I think about their business goals and apply my many years of experience to provide advice based on principled thinking that not only has their back, but their future, too, the more I realize that many practitioners never urge their clients to review… Continue reading »


Post Divorce – Take Hold and Let Go

Take hold and let go. Think about those words, what do they really mean? What does that have to do with the post divorce climate? And, how can we all put those words into our daily actions? One of the major sources of angst post divorce is misbehavior, characterized by power struggles with the children… Continue reading »


There Must Be 50 Ways to Leave Your Partners

Let me tell you about two different groups that went into business together: group one—3 College Buddies, group two—3 Neighborhood Friends. Among the College Buddies, there were no agreements. The business relationship flourished, and there was no reason for them to keep detailed records. Why should they? They were buddies! Their various enterprises either flourished… Continue reading »


The Supreme Court’s Landmark DOMA Decision

In a historic ruling on June 26, 2013, the Supreme Court struck down Section 3 of the federal Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) which defined marriage as a legal union between one man and one woman as husband and wife for the purpose of all federal laws. DOMA prohibited married same-sex couples from taking advantage… Continue reading »


Learning from Your Client

Over the past few years, one of my primary areas of practice has been professional liability. I have represented lawyers and accountants in a wide variety of matters. These cases always provide unique challenges. The claims are negligence based. While negligence is often equated with carelessness, there is more to it. The plaintiff first needs… Continue reading »


As Crosby, Stills and Nash Sang: “So We Change Partners, Time to Change Partners, You Must Change Partners!”

Let me tell you a story of two companies: “Transco,” the savvy, cost-conscious, transactional company whose leadership team relies on their expertise to see them through both challenges and good times, and “Stratco,” a long-range-thinking company that focuses on building relationships to advance their business goals through good times and bad.


Sex is Notice: The Cure for Every Adoptive Parent’s Nightmare

As an adoptive parent, I know that the biggest nightmare for parents after finalization of the adoption is the possibility of a birth parent challenging the adoption. Recently, I had the opportunity to help a couple that had adopted several years earlier, and that was potentially facing just such a challenge. Fortunately, in that case,… Continue reading »

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