Companies embroiled in litigation today are increasingly finding that the requirements and burdens of litigation discovery today bear little resemblance to litigation fifteen, or even ten, years ago. As reliance on technology—e-mail, texting, electronically stored data, etc.—continues to grow, discovery has become more time consuming, expensive, confusing and difficult. Courts have begun to impose new… Continue reading »
Don’t Forget About Digital Assets in Your Estate Plan
For many of us, our primary means of communication is email. Some of us like to keep in touch with friends and family by sending “tweets” or updating our Facebook and LinkedIn accounts. We store family photos and other important information online, on a website or in the “Cloud.” We access our financial assets, such… Continue reading »
Business Fundamentals Bootcamp VI, session “The Theatre of the Deal”
I will be speaking at Business Fundamentals Bootcamp VI, session “The Theatre of the Deal,” on October 19, 2012 at the Cambridge Innovation Center.
Advisory Boards, Who Needs Them?
A company’s success depends on people—and not just those who work for it. In a typical corporate situation, the shareholders elect a Board of Directors who hire the officers who actually run the company. But if you are a small closely held company, should you also have an Advisory Board?
Highlights of the Newly Enacted Uniform Trust Code
On July 8, 2012, Massachusetts enacted the Uniform Trust Code (UTC), which codifies the existing laws pertaining to trusts, but also clarifies, simplifies and modernizes the rules governing the administration of trusts. Massachusetts joins more than twenty states in adopting the UTC with the intent of providing trustees with greater flexibility in the administration of… Continue reading »
Don’t Wait Until It’s Too Late to Hire an Attorney
People often hire an attorney when they are faced with a lawsuit. I can’t count the number of times I have received the phone call where the stressed out person on the other end of the phone is saying, “Help. I got served with papers and I don’t know what to do.” Let’s be clear… Continue reading »
The Konowitz & Greenberg Family Has Expanded!
I’m pleased to announce that my family—Kevork, Rose and Gregory—and I recently welcomed Arianna Jean Tinkjian, who was born on March 28, weighing 6 lbs. 5 oz. and was 19 inches long.
Federal District Court for the Southern District of New York
I recently obtained the dismissal of a case filed in the Federal District Court for the Southern District of New York. Our client, an investment company, had been sued for commissions allegedly owed to the Plaintiff under a marketing agreement.
Business Litigation Session of the Suffolk Superior Court
I recently completed a trial in the Business Litigation Session of the Suffolk Superior Court. The case involved a partnership dispute with multiple claims and counterclaims alleging the breach of partnership agreements and violations of fiduciary duties relating to numerous business ventures between the partners dating back over a period of more than thirty years.