
Giving a Voice to Those Often Silent

November is National Adoption Awareness Month, and each year the courts designate a National Adoption Day. Judges in the courthouses across Massachusetts clear their dockets to finalize the adoption of children and teens in state foster care. While adoption is a wonderful thing, there is a voice in the adoption process that is too often… Continue reading »


Which Lawyers Can Be Trusted?

The longer I practice, the clearer it becomes to me that there are, in effect, two types of lawyers: ones you can trust and ones who do not know how to be trusted. In other words, can the lawyer achieve a trust-based relationship wherein he or she provides strategic advice that effectively and beneficially influences… Continue reading »


Did you know…? A Satisfied Client is Our Best Referral Source

In an interesting turn of events, I discovered that some of our clients don’t realize that we value, above all other sources, their referrals of family and friends to our office. Most of our new clients come to us as referrals from our existing clients. However, recently I learned that when clients are discussing legal… Continue reading »


The Reluctant Estate Plan Client

The greatest challenge I face in my estate planning practice is motivating clients to follow through with an estate plan. I have seen firsthand the financial and emotional toll on families when the proper planning is not done. Yet as much as I try to educate clients and potential clients about how proper estate planning… Continue reading »


Contested Adoptions Are Not Child’s Play, Particularly in the Appeals Court

Every year, thousands of adoptions make their way through the courts without a single blip.  However, there are times when problems arise, and an adoption case can quickly becomes very complex and even completely unravel.  Over the years, Konowitz & Greenberg has been involved in several such cases, and has worked hard to obtain the… Continue reading »


News from the Estate Planning Department

You may or may not be aware that the Tax Relief, Unemployment Insurance Reauthorization and Job Creation Act of 2010 contains several changes that favorably impact estate planning and taxes through 2012. These laws, however, will expire on December 31, 2012, and without further action by Congress, will revert to the laws in effect in… Continue reading »


Massachusetts Alimony Reform: A Long Awaited and Welcomed Change

The Massachusetts Senate and House of Representatives have passed the Alimony Reform Bill, and it is expected to be signed by Governor Deval Patrick. Once signed, the new Alimony Reform Act will become effective on March 1, 2012. The bill, having been passed at the recommendation of a special task force appointed in 2009, marks… Continue reading »


Breaking Up is Hard to Do: Plan for the Successful End of a Business Partnership

People form business relationships with the best of intentions. However, when forming a new business, often they are more excited about getting into the business and doing “it” than anything else. Of course, the last thing they think about are the legal details. That can be a real danger. Left ignored, details that seem tiresome… Continue reading »


Growing Use of “Independent Contractor” Label Creates Dangers for Businesses

As the economy continues to struggle, many businesses are relying more and more on independent contractors, and avoiding hiring new employees. Economically, the use of independent contractors offers a number of advantages over hiring traditional employees. Among other things, businesses can avoid paying overtime, payroll taxes, employment and worker’s compensation insurance and Social Security. While… Continue reading »


So, What Makes a Good Client?

When I work with good clients, I find that I am especially motivated to get them great results because the relationship is rewarding for me. Conversations with clients result in new ideas, constructive criticism and to-do items that keep the project moving in a forward direction that produces results. I find myself suggesting new things to… Continue reading »

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