
The Konowitz & Greenberg Family Has Expanded!

I’m pleased to announce that my family—Kevork, Rose and Gregory—and I recently welcomed Arianna Jean Tinkjian, who was born on March 28, weighing 6 lbs. 5 oz. and was 19 inches long.


Federal District Court for the Southern District of New York

I recently obtained the dismissal of a case filed in the Federal District Court for the Southern District of New York. Our client, an investment company, had been sued for commissions allegedly owed to the Plaintiff under a marketing agreement.


Business Litigation Session of the Suffolk Superior Court

I recently completed a trial in the Business Litigation Session of the Suffolk Superior Court. The case involved a partnership dispute with multiple claims and counterclaims alleging the breach of partnership agreements and violations of fiduciary duties relating to numerous business ventures between the partners dating back over a period of
more than thirty years.


More on…Estate Planning

I am always amazed at how often I hear someone say that they do not think they need a will because they are either not married or do not have children. In fact, that is all the more reason to have an estate plan! I recently came across a statistic that is alarming: 50% of Americans with children do not have a will, and 41% of baby boomers do not have a will. I can’t speak to the accuracy of these statistics, but it certainly brings the issue to the forefront. These people must not be reading my articles. Otherwise, they would know and understand that while it is difficult to deal with the inevitability of death, we all need to plan for the future, regardless of our marital status. The costs are always greater to our estate and our loved ones if we do not.

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Size Does Matter: Smaller Can Be Better

In many arenas, there seems to be an assumption that bigger always equals better.  The bigger the payroll, the better the baseball team (ask the Red Sox how this is working out for them!), or the bigger the law firm, the better it must be. However, there is a well known quote by Mark Twain that I have always preferred: “It’s not the size of the dog in the fight; it is the size of the fight in the dog.”

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Have It Your Way

Want to make a baby? Options range from the back of your daddy’s Lincoln, to the turkey baster, to the sperm cocktail. Indeed, thanks to the ever-improving science of reproductive technology, more options are becoming available all the time. While the folks able to rely on traditional methods remain on their own, in recent years, I have assisted many clients in navigating the legal issues that arise with respect to a few of the technological alternatives.

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“Counselor! Please Counsel Your Client!”*

For the past few years, I have taught a course in legal studies to undergraduate students at Brandeis University. Teaching undergraduates about the law is challenging—yet probably one of the most illuminating experiences with regard to my interaction with clients. By the time students get to law school, they have already developed a particular mindset about their relationship with the law and the purpose of the legal system. This is different from the mindset of the general population, which is well represented by my students, who have such diverse majors as biology, theatre, and economics.

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Case Closed (Practically)…Or Be Careful What You Wish For

Recently, I had the opportunity to reach the ear of an understanding, no-nonsense judge in an alimony modification.

The facts: simply put, the husband lost his job and sought court relief from his hefty alimony obligation. The husband had custody of the party’s only child; the wife worked part time and paid no child support. During the pendency of the action, the husband’s alimony obligation was reduced considerably, but still remained an economic burden. The day before the trial, the wife sought a continuance. The judge allowed the continuance, terminated the husband’s alimony obligation, ordered the wife to pay him child support on behalf of the child and continued the trial for nine months.


Insurance Agent May Be Liable for Oral Misrepresentation of Insurance Coverage

The Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court recently issued a decision in the matter of Passatempo v. McMeninimen affirming the potential liability of an insurance agent and insurance company for oral misrepresentations made by the agent. In that case, the plaintiff alleged, and the trial court found, that the insurance agent had misstated the benefits provided by a life insurance policy; assuring the plaintiff that the policy provided a $500,000 death benefit when, in fact, it provided only $200,000.

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Payor’s Obligation

The economic climate has made it extremely difficult for payors to meet alimony obligations. Karen Greenberg was successful in substantially reducing a payor’s obligation, a highly skilled professional, who had lost his job and continued to diligently search for new employment.

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