The laws in Massachusetts affecting the probate of Wills, dying without a Will (intestate), and the administration of estates have undergone a complete transformation. Effective on July 1, 2011, the Massachusetts Probate Code (the “Code”) repeals the majority of the existing chapters and statutes on probate law in an effort to simplify, streamline and clarify… Continue reading »
Dad Law: I Cannot Believe They’re Adults! (Part 1)
With my oldest daughter now 18 and preparing to go off to college this fall, I suddenly realized that, difficult though it may be for me to comprehend, legally she is an adult. In the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, once a person attains the age of 18, he or she is considered an adult. M.G.L. ch.… Continue reading »
Understanding the Nuts and Bolts of Wills
Do you need a legal will? Yes! A will allows you to determine who will receive your assets at your death and when they will receive it. For example, your will can give assets directly to specified recipients or direct your assets to a trust until the beneficiaries of that trust reach a specified age.… Continue reading »
Maximizing the Protection of Single Member LLC Real Estate
Most real estate investors would agree that among their major concerns when purchasing real estate are limiting personal liability and not having their personal assets subject to creditor claims. To address these concerns, limited liability companies (“LLC”) are growing in popularity as real estate holding entities. Unlike a general partnership, under which all partners may… Continue reading »